Happy Birthday Speakerinnen!

On International Women’s Day on March 8th Speakerinnen.org will be two years old! We are extremely proud of what our platform has achieved: Event organisers are now able to find the profiles of over 1,070 female experts from many different fields. We're really happy to help increase the visibility of female speakers and help improve diversity at speaking events around the world.

In cooperation with taz, and supported by newthinking, we're celebrating the second birthday of Speakerinnen.org on March 8, 2016 at the taz-Café, Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23, Berlin. We would be delighted to see you there!

The evening starts at 7 pm with a short introduction by two of the founders of Speakerinnen.org: Maren Heltsche and Anne Roth. Afterwards two successful speakers - Zoë Beck and Milena Glimbovski – will talk about their experiences as Speakerinnen and tell us why they support the Speakerinnen-project. After that there will be time for conversations.

You can find the event on Facebook. Please feel free to share it with your friends.

Maren Heltsche Anne Roth Milena Glimbovski Zoë Beck

Looking forward to seeing you!

More women* on stages! 2nd Birthday of Speakerinnen.org
March 8th 2016, 7pm, taz-Café, Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23, 10969 Berlin
Event on facebook