
  04.03.2023 - 13:55     actions

International Women's Day: Female Doctors on Stage!

German Dental Congress 2022: 27 men, 9 women. Annual Conference of the German Society for Immunology 2022: 26 men, 14 women. Keynote Speaker at the German Cancer Congress 2022: 17 men, 2 women.

As in many industries, women are in the minority at medical congresses and conferences - at least in terms of their presence on stage. Yet they are represented in all medical professions with their expertise, in the meantime even in the majority. In order to strengthen the visibility of female doctors and women in the health sector,, Prof. Dr. Mandy Mangler and the Round Table "Women in Health Care" are launching the campaign "Ärztinnen auf die Bühne!" (Female Doctors on Stage!) for International Women's Day 2023.

Capaign website "Ärztinnen auf die Bühne!" (in German language)

The alliance calls on all female experts in medicine and health care to register with their expertise at This will make it easier for event organisers and journalists to find female doctors, dentists and all other representatives of the medical professions and organisations. is a free offer - for women as well as for event organisations. Shortly before 8 March 2023, a total of almost 4,000 women with diverse skills in numerous fields are registered at

Female Doctors on Stage!
Illustrations on and here in the blog by Malwine

"Even in the health care sector, where the proportion of women in all professions is very high, congress organisers often state that they have not found a woman for the podium, workshops or training labs," says Mandy Schoßig of, the platform for female experts, speakers, moderators and presenters. "We want to change that!"

"Studies show that gender-balanced staffing of leadership positions in medicine leads to more successful treatment," says Prof. Dr. Mandy Mangler, chief physician of the gynaecology clinic at the Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum in Berlin. "The German Association of Women Doctors has analysed the proportion of women in clinical chairs at state universities - it is still only 13 per cent."

"More women in leadership positions on all medical boards broadens the view and can thus change rules towards a fairer health care or even a fairer society," adds Dr Christiane Groß, President of the German Medical Women’s Association (Deutscher Ärztinnenbund e.V.).

More visibility for women in the health sector.

The Round Table "Women in the Health Care System" is a cooperation partner for the campaign "Female Doctors on Stage!". It points out that the proportion of women in the health sector is constantly at 75 percent. Nevertheless, women are clearly underrepresented there in leadership positions as well as in their public visibility. Studies show that only about one-fifth of top management positions in hospitals are held by women, with a recent downward trend. This also applies to almost all areas of the health system, including associations of panel doctors (dentists), health insurance funds and health care companies.

"As representatives of a total of 13 women's networks and organisations in the healthcare sector, we are committed to ensuring that women not only play their part in the social context, but also have an equal say in determining and shaping it," emphasise Cornelia Wanke, Executive Director at Healthcare Frauen e.V. and Co-Chair of Spitzenfrauen Gesundheit e.V., as well as Dr Rebecca Otto, President of Dentista e.V. "Together, we are helping to make the many excellent women in the healthcare sector more visible and give them a platform."

About our cooperation partners

Prof. Dr. Mandy Mangler is chief physician at two gynaecology clinics at Vivantes. In the Tagesspiegel's gynaecology podcast "Gyncast" she discusses a wide range of women's health topics. In 2022, she was awarded the Berlin Women's Prize for her commitment to equality and diversity in medicine.

The Women in Health Round Table consists of a total of 13 women's networks and organisations. It is committed to the visibility of women in all areas of health care and in politics. Members of the Round Table are: Dentista e.V. - Association of Women Dentists, Deutscher Ärztinnenbund e.V., FidAR - Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte e.V., Healthcare Frauen e.V., Institut für Gender-Gesundheit e.V. , Pro Quote Medizin, #SheHealth - Women in digital Health, Spitzenfrauen Gesundheit e.V., Verband der ZahnÄrztinnen plus e.V.

  22.01.2023 - 09:09     actions

New look for!

It took almost a year and many volunteer hours of time, discussions, ideas and (mostly digital) meetings - but today the new page finally goes online. Designed by Salit Krac, the developers of the team have given the website a new, more contemporary look. The main new feature is the layout of the entire site, where women experts can register their competences free of charge.

We are especially pleased that new great illustrations by Malwine open the site. They show partly known, partly unknown women in different roles - as speaker, moderator, discussion partner - roles for which event organisations can find contact persons on

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Our new illustrations of women speakers by Malwine

At the same time, our cooperation page of the Speakerinnen Vorarlberg is going online in the same look. Around 100 Vorarlberg women experts and speakers are already online here and can be found with their expertise and contacted for events, interviews and more.

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After the relaunch is before many more tasks: Now that we have reached this milestone, there is still a lot to do! We are working intensively on improving the search function on so that users can search for experts in an even more targeted way. And we are in contact for further cooperations, which we will tell you about soon!

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More illustrations by Malwine

  18.02.2016 - 10:09     actions

Happy Birthday Speakerinnen!

On International Women’s Day on March 8th will be two years old! We are extremely proud of what our platform has achieved: Event organisers are now able to find the profiles of over 1,070 female experts from many different fields. We're really happy to help increase the visibility of female speakers and help improve diversity at speaking events around the world.

In cooperation with taz, and supported by newthinking, we're celebrating the second birthday of on March 8, 2016 at the taz-Café, Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23, Berlin. We would be delighted to see you there!

The evening starts at 7 pm with a short introduction by two of the founders of Maren Heltsche and Anne Roth. Afterwards two successful speakers - Zoë Beck and Milena Glimbovski – will talk about their experiences as Speakerinnen and tell us why they support the Speakerinnen-project. After that there will be time for conversations.

You can find the event on Facebook. Please feel free to share it with your friends.

Maren Heltsche Anne Roth Milena Glimbovski Zoë Beck

Looking forward to seeing you!

More women* on stages! 2nd Birthday of
March 8th 2016, 7pm, taz-Café, Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23, 10969 Berlin
Event on facebook